AprivaPay Mobile Credit Card Processing allows you to sell anything, anywhere. Merchants can take credit card payments via cell phones using AprivaPay™. Mobile credit card processing provides a low cost alternative to purchasing dedicated wireless credit card machines.

Apriva is a PCI Level 1 Service provider and is a trusted partner of the U.S. Department of Defense. Their technology is validated by the NSA’s Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC). As a result, it ensures the highest level of security in payments and secure data transmission. In addition, Apriva has helped payment partners achieve PCI certifications and to reduce their PA-DSS scope.
AprivaPay connects any cell phone as well as a smartphone to a payment processing services across any wireless network. They also offer merchant account providers and retailers end to end credit card payment processing. Connectivity from the field, 24/7 customer services. As well as back-office reporting functions streamline mobile credit card processing.
In conclusion, mobile phones loaded with AprivaPay’s payment processing software can be equipped with card readers. You can also add a printer to provide retail customers with the most professional level of service. By supporting multiple hardware options and connecting to numerous processors, Apriva’s platform-as-service provides agnostic consulting. As well as expertise on payment processing, payment types, and hardware devices to lower the total cost of processing and expand mobile payment acceptance options.